Sign of Getting Old – LA Freeway

Another sign of getting old

Took place on Saturday, March 27, 2010

I just finished an engagement photography job and was on my way back home. The Sun was setting in front of me. I was minding my own business. Just driving…

Then one slow-moving BMW cut me off and cleaned his windshield with soapy water. His fluid hit my windshield. That got me so angry.

I’ve been driving for 20+ years and I have a perfect driving record.

All my life, when somebody washes windshield in front of me, I would always cut him off and give him the same treatment. Now that rich booger in BMW was going to get it. I was ready to pay him back. I took my time and waited for the right moment. The traffic was heavy.

I followed him for about 4-5 minutes, and I got the perfect setting for me to cut him off and give him the squirt of justice.

I changed into the fast lane and started to pass him.

Then I took a look at the driver.

The driver was a young dude. 

He looked miserable. He was struggling because the setting sun was on his face. The poor guy cleaned his windshield, hoping that will fix the glare.

At that moment, I felt ashamed that I thought about paying back to this guy.

Using a windshield wiper while driving is an annoying act. But people who do that are clueless, just like my parents. All they think about is, “Oh my God, I cannot see anything. I don’t want to die.”

I believe my days of “payback” are over. I’m getting old.

I hope the rich booger in the BMW reached his destination OK.

Costco Shopping – With a Neighbor

* 10th Costco Shopping this year, 3rd time this month.

I went to Costco with my neighbor. She’s one of my favorite neighbors. She’s a grandmother, and she doesn’t drive anymore.

We split a box of strawberries.

I finally bought a fancy coffee maker. I’ve been using my $7.00 coffee maker for over 8 years. 

After Costco shopping, I took my neighbor to Souplatation (Salad Bar). Oh my God, she was so happy going out for dinner with me.

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Costco Shopping – March 12, 2010 / Cheese

* 8th Costco Shopping this year, 1st time this month.

I was looking forward to today’s Costco shopping. A coupon on beef jerky got me excited. To me, beef jerky is a luxury food item. They are for rich people. 

It was fun shopping. I treated myself to a piece of fancy cheese (also a coupon item). I say this all the time, but Costco spoils me. Without Costco, I will never get to know Jarlsberg Cheese. Those are for rich folks. I like Jarlsberg cheese. These are good stuff.

I saved $17.50 with coupons.

I spent $78.30 on shopping and $30.80 on gas.

The last time I topped off my gas tank was February 11th. So, I spent $30.80 on gas in one month. That’s pretty good.

Costco Shopping List My shopping List

Costco Cheese, Jarlsberg

Jarlsberg Cheese, Costco imported

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Costco Towels – Charisma

In thanksgiving 2008, I bought several towels by Grandeur (picture below). I still use those towels. I paid about $8.00 each. I like the sophisticated color, wasabi green. These towels feel amazingly good. Since then, I’ve been checking prices on towels whenever I go to Linens and Things. Towels of this quality will easily cost you $25+.

Sometime last year, Costco stopped carrying Grandeur and now they stock Charisma towels. Charisma towels are inferior to Grandeur and have somewhat cheap-looking colors. (picture at bottom). Also, Charisma towels don’t feel as luxurious. They are still of good value. But I like the older brand “Grandeur” much better. I was disappointed that Grandeur towels were no longer available at Costco.

Update 2021: 11 – 13 years later, I still use both Grandeur & Charisma towels. The old brand “Grandeur” is still better than Charisma. Also, since It’s been 13 years, I am unsure if Grandeur is still making quality towels. So, next time I will try more luxurious Turkish towels from Costco.

After Thanksgiving shopping 2008 – Older brand “Grandeur” Shown

New Towels by Charisma.
Capital One Savings Account – Best Interest Rate I Know Of

I have three savings accounts including Ing Direct & Emigrant Direct.

Ing Direct & Emigrant Direct are known for their high-interest rate. But, with today’s economy, their current interest rate is 1.1%. This is still a lot better than the 0.5% you can get from your local banks.

I just noticed that Capital One has a savings account only for Costco members. And the interest rate is even better at 1.5%.

I should move all my money to Capital One ASAP. They will even pay me $20.00 for opening an account.

*You have to keep a minimum balance of $5k. I have no problem there.

** I hope the interest rate will go up soon. I miss the day when I used to earn 2.5 – 3% interest.

Costco Savings Account

February Saving – 66%

My shopping story is boring, now that I keep trying harder to save even more money. 

I set my goal to save money like crazy. And that’s exactly what I’m doing… like crazy.

In February, I transferred 66% of all my take-home paycheck to a savings account.

I haven’t established a stable pattern of saving money, so I am not sure how this will affect my finance next month. 


I have a huge craving for salty chips, especially for Doritos.  I had this craving for over 2 weeks now.
This morning, I was THIS CLOSE to picking up a bag of Doritos at Costco. I wanted to buy a brand new coffee maker as well ($49.00). 

But I didn’t buy any of those. I bought what was absolutely needed (also healthy for me). 

I try…

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