Happy Thanksgiving!
This year’s turkey was THE best of them all. It was a 21 pounder.
I’ve been baking Turkeys for 5-6 years now. I usually bake 15 lb turkeys. But this year, I went for a bigger bird for bigger fun. As usual, I was home alone and ate alone. I was invited to a family gathering about 70 miles away. But I politely declined so I can enjoy being home alone. There is nothing like being at home – even if I live alone.
I am not a bad son. In fact, I am a good son. I see my parents almost every weekend. So, my parents do not miss me for Thanksgiving much. I will see them in 2 days, and we will share Thanksgiving stories.
My turkey came out real nice. I didn’t follow any recipe. I seasoned the turkey from my experience (memory). I used orange, lemon, sage, & rosemary growing in my front yard. I watched TV, drank coffee, and relaxed. It was a good time.
Happy Thanksgiving.

I am glad I bought that turkey rack from Costco last year

From Costco: Turkey, turkey rack, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, gravy