$37.04 is a Costco reward from having an executive membership.
$211.93 is The City Bank’s reward.

$37.04 is a Costco reward from having an executive membership.
$211.93 is The City Bank’s reward.
I’ve always wanted to try champagne. But I was poor all my life, that I never tasted champagne. So, today I picked up a bottle of Kirkland Signature champagne. It was exciting. On my way out, the checkout guy asked what I was celebrating. “Nothing. It’s my everyday champagne.” I replied with a smile.
I cannot get enough of Chef’s Cut Beef Jerky. It’s really good.
I was excited to see SPAM on sale.
I don’t know why people make fun of SPAM lovers. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t like SPAM. But you don’t have to mock us. None of my female friends, past and present, liked SPAM. But it was more than that. When I told them I liked SPAM, they all made puke-faces and said “Yuck”. But I’m not the one with the eating disorder. SPAM, to me, is a must-have item at my house. I crave SPAM now and then, and I must have some. This 8 pack will last a few years. Girls may come and go, but I will have SPAM. Who needs girls, anyway?
Coupons saved $24.50 today.
Chef’s Cut Beef Jerky was superb. I finished the entire bag in two days. I may buy one more. This was one of the best jerkies I have ever tasted.
I always buy Jarlsberg cheese from Costco whenever there is a coupon. This is an amazing buy.
Toilet papers, glad food containers, shampoo, and conditioners were all on sale. It was a fun and relaxing Costco shopping.
Happy new year
It was my first Costco shopping of 2017. I didn’t buy anything special. Coupons saved $29.40. Protein bars are for work. Apples and green blends are for juicing. I freeze naan bread, which will last about six months. I am not sure if Focus Factor works. But I am afraid to get off it.
Toilet papers at the bottom of the cart.
I bought a ham for Christmas dinner.