9th Costco shopping in 2019 – $611.32 (today) / $1000.28 (this year)
** Purchase like this pays for Costco membership and more.
I am finally getting a dishwasher. To me, this is a life-changing event.
When I bought my house 7 years ago, the house came with a broken dishwasher. I never felt the need for a dishwasher. ‘Dishwashers are for rich people,’ I thought.
I had a similar notion about gardening services. I thought any man with an able body should mow his own lawn and save hundreds of dollars. It took me a year to change my mind. Now I cannot imagine my life without a gardener.
Costco had a $200 discount on Maytag dishwashers. I thought It was the right time for me.
The order process was different than the time I ordered my refrigerator. It currently says “order received” – and I am waiting for some kind of communication from the delivery company.
Update: 2 business days later, I received an email from Costco informing me to expect an email from a delivery service. I would schedule for delivery then, it says.