I have a coworker who’s in my age range. I often test him with 80s trivia.
I went to his office a few days ago. This is how the conversation went.
John: Good morning. Hey… do you remember EPMD?
Coworker: Yes.
John: What was that one thing he hated?
Coworker: (looking right at me) Bitin’ MC.
John: Oh yeah~~~. Thank you. Have a nice day.
EPMD, You Gots to Chill – 1988.
Bitin’ MC at 1:50
I’ve heard about paper straws on news media, but this was the first time seeing them in person. As I was dressing my hot dog, I heard people talking about the paper straws. They were basically saying “Oh, paper straws”
The straw was narrower than the normal plastic straws that I am used to. I would prefer wider straws, but that’s an American gripe (one of the reasons why some people hate Americans). Paper straws are just fine. I enjoyed my hot dog.
After my hot dog lunch, I filled my soda cup with water and came back to work. I drank that water rest of the day using the same paper straw. The straw held up nicely.
Update (January 14, 2020): After reading some of the comments, I paid close attention to the straws on my next few visits to Costco food court. And I can tell you with no hesitation that I absolutely enjoy using these paper straws at Costco. Again, maybe it’s because I was poor all my life. Maybe I am just not sensitive to taste and smell. Whatever the reason may be, I am happy with these paper straws at Costco food court. But it is also important to hear from people who don’t like these straws. Because maybe I am the minority in this opinion poll.
Costco Member-only Savings October 30 – November 24, 2019.
Starting Wednesday. Enjoy.
View Member-Only Savings at Costco website
It came to me as a great shock that laundry detergents lose effectiveness sooner than I thought.
This subject wouldn’t matter if you have a full-size family. But it’s a different story if you live alone. In my case, a large jug of fabric softer can easily last 3 years or longer. So, I did some more research and learned that many products will lose effectiveness sooner than I imagined. Below, I listed some of the products and how long they are good for.
FYI: Chemicals in dried powder form would last longer compared to its liquid counterparts.
I was clueless. How come nobody told me this? I felt so stupid… all these years… I thought these products lasted 5 – 10 years easily,
Maybe a lot of single men out-there didn’t have this information as well. So, here it is. If you live alone, buy your liquid chemicals in small units.
Coupon saved $17.00 – mostly on wiper blades.
Michelin wiper blades are super cheap at Costco, especially when there is an instant rebate like now. If you don’t need them now, just buy a pair and keep them in your trunk. The sale ends on October 27, 2019.
Three days later, at a garage sale, I bought 2 wiper blades for $2. The irony…
I am still not sure if Occuvite works for me. It’s supposed to keep my eyes healthy.