I will draw 5 winners on Saturday, September 12, 2020.
US mailing address only.
Turmeric became popular in recent years after a number of studies showed promising results with its anti-inflammatory properties.
People use turmeric to control:
Joint pain
Hay fever
Itching (kidney disease)
High cholesterol
At Costco website, youtheory Turmeric has a near perfect rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, from 1700+ Costco shoppers.
youtheory is a supplement company. They sell online, Costco, and in 60,000+ stores worldwide. youtheory is one of the largest manufacturers of collagen and turmeric in the U.S.
For those who take immune booster amid global COVID-19 pandemic, youtheory started to stock Costco with immune+. You may find immune+ at your local Costco warehouse. They should be available on Costco website soon. immune+ is currently available on youtheory website.
My song of the day – Purple Rain. I bought this tape back in the 80’s.
I have 14 bottles of hot sauce. It’s fun to try different hot sauces. To me, it’s an inexpensive activity to get my mind off of what’s going on in the world. I am not a crazy hot sauce guy. I can comfortably enjoy the SHU heat scale of 40,000. This means, I can handle spicy food better than average people, but I am not in the extreme tier.
I don’t need 10 bottles of hot sauce. I only need three. My 3 favorite hot sauces are Tapatio, After Death, and Crystal. Tapatio and After Death have been my favorite for about ten years. Crystal became one of my favorites after my trip to New Orleans.
*SHU (Scoville Heat Units) – measurement heat of chili peppers.
Tapatio – Super cheap, super tasty, but not very hot (SHU 3,000). They are made in California, but Mexican folks love it. If you go to authentic Mexican taquerias (restaurants), you are likely to see Tapatios. You will rarely see Valentinas, which is a Mexican counterpart of Tapatio.
After Death – It is expensive and hard to find. I will be lucky if I find this online for $10. It has a SHU of 50,000, which is way too hot for me. But I mix this with Tapatio. I’ve been mixing Tapatio and After Death for about ten years, and I really like the taste of that mix. Depends on my mood, I can make a mild or strong mix. Because it’s too hot, one bottle lasts a few years.
Crystal – Cheap and not very hot. To me, Crystal is more of spice than hot sauce. Crystal is a true Louisiana product. A few years ago, I visited New Orleans and tried a lot of different food. Everywhere I went I saw a bottle of Crystal on the table. I had such a memorable experience in New Orleans. Since then, I always keep Crystal in my house. I replaced Tabasco with Crystal. I respect Tabasco for its history and taste. But, Tabasco is too expensive for what they offer. Frank’s Red Hot can also replace Tabasco. They all have that vinegary taste. To me, Tabasco is for rich people.
I went to Costco in New Orleans and took a picture of Crystal Hot Sauce (left). New Orleans will always be special to me.
I have some Asian spices as well. But I didn’t include them in this line-up, because these Asian sauces need their own weight class. Fried Chili in Oil is not hot at all. Sriracha comes in a 28 oz jug because we use a shot glass full at a time.
I will talk to you soon. Keep in touch.
I send special love to those who are alone and feeling depressed.
23rd Costco Shopping in 2020 – $53.60 today / $1,652.35 this year
Online purchase.
I have a huge belly. I wear 30-inch waist pants, but around my belly is 36 Inches. Yes, I am a monster. So, I’ve been taking trunature Tonalin CLA.
AbCuts Enhanced (#883896) is yet another CLA pills. They were on sale, so I ordered 2 units of 2 packs (total 4 bottles, 120 days supply). The sale ends August 23, 2020.
I would like to monitor my progress next 4-5 months.
22nd Costco Shopping in 2020 – $103.19 today / $1,598.75 this year
Just like my last two visits, I arrived at Costco early today. I was prepared to stand in line to get in. Again, there was no line, and I was allowed in at 9:20 AM. I quickly headed to the cleaning supply aisle, but Clorox Wipes and hand sanitizers were nowhere to be found.
When the pandemic lockdown started, I ate an insane amount of comfort food. I ate 2 chocolate cakes in 3 months, and that was only the beginning. I ate a lot and gained solid 6 pounds. Now I’m finally back to my normal diet.
I don’t expect Costco cherries to be as good as those I find at the farmer’s market. But they were pretty good. I think will buy it again. Pineapple is always good. I just wait until it’s ready.
I’ve been having amazing luck with watermelons this year. Every single watermelon, so far, was crispy and delicious. I hope this one is super fantastic.
The ribbons are back at Costco with a hint of Christmas. Although none of the ribbons had a holiday design, I thought some ribbons were made for Christmas.
21st Costco Shopping in 2020 – $192.52 today / $1,495.56 this year
Costco shopping became a chore because of the pandemic that’s only getting worse. Also, I try to shop at as many stores as possible in one trip. So, I took a day off from work and planned my day of grocery shopping. My day started with a 5:30 AM alarm. I hit the road before 6 am. I drank my first sip of water at 10:30 am in my car. With that, I could avoid using a public restroom.
Schedule & list
My day went according to the schedule and list. I enjoy making lists like that. I make a list of everything I do. It helps me to make fewer mistakes and be more productive. And, somehow, the list adds more fun to it. I made an amazing list when I bought my convertible in San Francisco and drove it back home.
Long sleeves and hat are for Sun protection – if I have to wait in line under direct Sunlight
I was allowed into Costco warehouse at 9:20 AM (during the special early hour for customers 60 and older). There were a lot of hand sanitizers available, but Clorox Wipes were nowhere to be found. Also, I didn’t see the first sign of Christmas.
I bought three Costco rotisserie chickens. I will keep two and give one to my friend.
Kirkland Signature Filtered Water Pitcher
I bought a Kirkland Signature Filtered Water Pitcher (#1304047) for my friend. I have a friend who makes less money than I do. During the pandemic, so far, I paid for her groceries, car payments, veterinarian visits, etc.. But she spends a lot more money on drinking water than I do. I don’t think now is a good time to talk to her about personal finance and such… she’s the type that cries easily. So, my plan is to give her that water pitcher along with the chicken. I will pretend I randomly bought those two items because they were cheap. And she will start saving money on drinking water. Everyone’s happy. Thank you, thank you.
The warehouse price for the pitcher was $17.99. It comes with two filters. You can use the Brita filter on this pitcher and vice versa. The online price for this pitcher is $24.99, but with free shipping.
Cherries, pineapple, watermelon
Cherries are pretty tasty (8 1/2 out of 10 on taste scale). Pineapple is a guaranteed yum, because I can tell by just looking at it. In fact, I don’t even have to look at it. I put the pineapple on the kitchen counter and don’t think about it. One day, soon, I will start smelling the pineapple. That’s when it’s ready to eat. Watermelon is the mystery fruit. It’s hard to tell if they are good inside. That’s why I am obsessed. I want to learn how to find good watermelons. I am willing to travel far away to a farm to take a lesson from an expert. If you have an access to a watermelon farm, please let me know.
Coupon saved $14.00
Back home
I came home, took another shower, and started to put away groceries. It started with wiping down everything I bought.
I vacuum packed 2 chickens into 6 bags and made chicken stock with the bones. When I was done with everything it was 4pm. I was SOOOO tired (don’t get old). I took a 3 hour nap and woke up at 8pm.
Now I am ready to stay home for another round. Covid-19 Pandemic changed my life. It is inconvenient. But, it is also fascinating. Can you imagine one day we will tell young people about surviving a global pandemic? We had to put on our masks and stay 6 feet apart. The Olympics was cancelled. People were dying and scientists were racing for cure. Pandemic? What do you young folks know about the Pandemic? I remember it like yesterday, let me tell you…
Anyway, it’s depressing for now. Please be safe. Be very careful. Keep in touch.