25th Costco Shopping in 2020 – $147.87 today / $1,821.66 this year
I took a sick day from work so I could go to Costco first thing Friday morning when it’s not busy. Sick day was justifiable because I got 2 vaccines today, shingles and flu.
Before going to Costco, I visited Costco’s immunization page and downloaded immunization consent form. They wanted 2 copies. I didn’t make an appointment, but I went to Costco pharmacy at 9:15 AM (unofficial opening hour). There was nobody in the line. The process was smooth.
Costco Adult Immunization Program
I enjoy looking for the first sign of Christmas in Costco.
As I do every year, I took pictures of Christmas decorations and sent them to several friends. As always, they texted me back with “Already?” “Too soon” and “Yikes” – They knew I was loving it.
European cookies are back for the season. These cookies are part of my life. I have never run out of these cookies for over 10 years. Every year I buy a few cans of these cookies and freeze them. I enjoy them every weekend with coffee.
I saw a cool Halloween decoration and an interesting kitchen item (pictures below).
I spent over 2 hours inside Costco warehouse. Members only savings saved $15.80.
One Rotisserie chicken, a hand sanitizer, and Whisps chips are for my friend who can use a cheer up gift.
Strawberries were just OK (not bad). It was about 7 out of 10 on taste scale.
I came home, took a shower, put away food, vacuum-packed rotisserie chickens, and made chicken stock with the bones. I finally had time to rest around 3 pm. I was exhausted (don’t get old). It’s a lot of work to live alone and do everything alone.
I guess my next Costco shopping is when I get a Thanksgiving turkey. This year’s turkey will be epic. -E-P-I-C-
We survived 6 months of pandemic. Perhaps we repeat this a few more times. God bless everyone. Please take care.
24th Costco Shopping in 2020 – $21.44 today / $1,673.79 this year.
It was on sale ($5.00 off).
Many of you know I was poor all my life. I desperately needed to save for retirement, but I had absolutely nothing saved. Fortunately, my new job offered a retirement plan. I started late, so saving for retirement is important to me, especially because I live alone – and likely to die alone.
2020 has been a scary and unstable year. I was hit hard financially (long story skipped). Things are now looking semi-normal. So, I assessed my financial situation and made the needed adjustments for 2020. My plan is extreme. But I am going for it.
It’s September now. For the next 4 months (the rest of the year) I will receive 8 paychecks. For that 8 paychecks, I am investing 50% to 401K. This will put me back on my retirement track. After investing 50%, I will take home 33% of my paychecks. This is extreme. It looks like this.
This is an unrealistic reduction of take-home pay. But I had to try this. I will make a game out of it. I will make it a personal challenge. It doesn’t matter how I do it. I will survive the next 4 months with less cash. This is for my retirement. I imagine myself 30-40 years older, possibly immobile, and still living alone. I am giving him my money. Hence paying me first.
I am lucky that I’m healthy and have a steady income. There are millions of us without income and/or cannot pay rent. I know how it is to be poor. But this pandemic is different. It’s scary to imagine what’s happening to them.
For now, I will survive the next 4 months. I shall take it day by day. I will cut down on everything. There will be no more Sunday coffee and no more online shopping. My Costco shopping will look sad for the next 4 months.
Today is September 10, 2020. So, 10 days down – 113 more days to go.
Please take care. I will talk to you soon.
Hello US Midwest Costco shoppers. Your local Costco warehouse is currently selling Roasted Garlic Cauli Dip (Cauliflower Dip) by Boulder Organic Foods. They are available now, and during September 2020.
Warehouse locator and more information at Boulder Organic Foods
I have tasted nothing like this before (in a good way). And I never ate this many carrots in my life. I kept dipping my carrots into it. It’s tasty, and it’s light. So, I thought I would make my cauliflower dip. How hard can it be? Then I learned I need a food processor, and it takes one hour to make it.
Cauli Dip is not only tasty, but I think it’s healthier than other dips in the market. If you are trying to stay in shape, every bite counts. Every healthy alternative count.
Have a nice Labor Day weekend. Talk to you soon.
Costco Member-only savings September 2 – September 27, 2020
View Member Only Savings at Costco website.