Since Thanksgiving Day, I’ve been eating Madeleines and Brownie Bites every day for 12 days. Two huge containers are almost empty now. They are tasty and I’ve been enjoying them with coffee.
OH! I would like to talk about the designs on their packages. The designs look warm, homey, and tasty – that they represent how the products taste. I kept looking at the stickers on the packages. They are so well done that I had to mention them.
Madeleines and Brownie Bites are Costco’s staple items. They are Costco items #9751 & #1253912. They are individually wrapped so they will stay soft and moist. These tasty treats go well with hot coffee. To me, they remind me of holidays, family, and good times.
Christmas is approaching quickly. Madeleines and Brownie Bites will stay fresh throughout the holiday season.
That’s it. That’s all the ingredients. Mary’s Gone Crackers are super seeds that are molded into crackers; so you can carry, store, and eat at your convenience. They are organic, vegan, gluten-free, and none-GMO. Besides being a good snack, I also think they are good food. I see people can lose weight by snacking these for lunch – compared to a cheeseburger, it’s a clear winner. And they taste good. If you like the taste of seeds, you will also like Mary’s Gone Crackers.
You can find Mary’s Gone Crackers at Costco. Of course, they come in extra-large boxes like the below picture.
This is the box you will find at Costco
Mary’s Gone Crackers shine if you compare with crackers of other brand names. Most crackers are bad for you. It’s better that you don’t eat them. I rarely eat crackers for that very reason. I think Mary’s Gone Crackers are my only exception.
I don’t get paid for this blog. I like these crackers and I wanted to hold a raffle. Mary’s Gone Crackers will send a grab bag variety of crackers to a raffle winner. Enter below.
I arrived at Costco Sunday morning at 10 AM as they opened, and I hurried to the turkeys. I always get 20-pound turkey, and I didn’t want to miss out on the big turkey this year. I heard on the news that, due to the pandemic, stores would sell small turkeys. That could mean big turkeys might be scarce.
But… why small turkeys?
This is my 10th year baking turkey alone. I cook alone and I eat alone. And I can tell you without a doubt that bigger turkeys are much more satisfying compared to small turkeys. Remember, turkeys are cheap, less than a dollar per pound. Bigger turkeys are fun to bake. Big turkeys look impressive. They will look better in the pictures. I enjoy extra long hours of baking a big turkey. Finally, when I take out my turkey from the oven, I would like to feel that heavyweight. I have to tighten my stomach muscles and be very careful. The pan is heavy, hot, and full of juice at the bottom. If you cook Thanksgiving dinner, that moment is the highlight of the day. To me, there is no comparison. Even if I eat alone, I will always bake a big turkey. Turkeys are like women. No turkey can be too big for me.
Back to Costco – The turkey area was busy with people. I squeezed my way in and glanced over all the turkeys. There was only one turkey that looked obviously bigger than the rest. I quickly put that 19 pounder in my cart and looked at the rest of the turkeys carefully. All the remaining turkeys were 13 pounders. So, I was lucky.
I walked away briskly from the poultry section. The warehouse was getting packed with the shoppers.
Special snacks for Thanksgiving weekend, everyday chocolates, toys for my friend’s dogs
Good peanuts
I bought a can of Kirkland Signature salted peanuts and a bag of Hampton Farms unsalted peanuts in shells. Both peanuts are absolutely amazing good. My God! They are so enjoyable. But sometimes peanuts from Costco are disappointing. Costco used to sell Hoody’s Peanuts. I wasn’t too excited about Hoody’s Peanuts. I often bought bad batches. I also remember buying a bad batch of Kirkland Signature’s peanuts in the past.
Maybe peanuts are good during certain months, including November. Maybe it’s totally random. I don’t know. For now, I have some very good peanuts at home, and my life is a little tastier.
Kirkland Signature European Cookies
These cookies are the best. I bought 4 cans of Kirkland Signature European Cookies. Costco sells these cookies during the holiday season. I’ve been buying these cookies for about 10 years now. I call them “Christmas Cookies”. Every holiday season I buy 3-4 cans of these cookies and keep them cold. I only eat them on weekends with coffee. With this, I get to enjoy a little of Christmas throughout the year.
I was in and out of the warehouse in 30 minutes. I wanted to look at Christmas items and spend more time shopping. But I left while the checkout lines were short. Also, I didn’t want to stay in the warehouse too long because of the pandemic.
*I am too tired to think about Cable TV for now. But, I will do my research and update you in a month or two. My goal is to enjoy TV in moderation and save money.
I understand why some people must have cable TV. For example, if I had a son who enjoys NBA (basketball), even if he has little interest, I will get sports channels for him. I will enjoy watching my son following his favorite players. That alone will be worth paying big bucks.
If I had a father who likes to watch news channels, it will be money well spent.
For now, I live alone and I have my financial priorities.
Hulu is increasing No Ads + Live TV bundle price from $60.99 to $70.99 starting 12/18/2020.
So, I dropped my TV subscription within 5 minutes of receiving that notification email. I will take this as God’s way of making me more productive (play guitar, enjoy the hobby, work around the house, personal fitness…). Let’s see if I will ever miss live TV.
I will now pay $11.99/mo for basic Hulu. I may check out Philo ($20/m)
It’s disgusting… I don’t think it’s normal for us to pay $80 a month for TV. That’s $850 a year. If you add DVR and the ability to skip commercials, it quickly becomes Thousand Dollars a year. I can no longer justify that much money for TV.
The only thing I will miss on live TV is 4th of July Nathan’s hot dog eating contest. It’s the greatest TV moment in history. George Shea’s introduction needs to be watched live, not recorded.
Darigold is a dairy company with over a hundred years of history. They produce dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, butter,…
Their milk, FIT organic milk, is now available at select Costco locations. FIT Organic Milk is special because…
14 Grams of protein (compared to 8-9 Gram)
40% less sugar
Long shelf life.
(personal note) Good taste. Rich and creamy.
FIT organic milk is ultra-filtered. Ultrafiltration, also known as diafiltration makes FIT milk special. It filters in some molecules while it filters out unwanted molecules. The process is fairly complicated, but there is more information on ultrafiltration on Wikipedia or on Darigolds Instagram.
Darigold FIT organic milk, available at Costco
Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know, Darigold milk is the best milk available to regular consumers. And I even like the taste. I understand the taste is subjective. But, to me, FIT milk tastes rich and creamy. I find myself drinking it at random and unusual times.
If you live in Washington or Oregon area, you can catch their road show and taste them yourself. Check out the show schedule below. (*schedule subjected to change)
Darigold is over a hundred-year-old company. They make cottage cheese, flavored milk, yogurt, butter, and more. You may see their products at your local store.
Costco Darigold Roadshow Schedule – Washington & Oregon