Costco Citi Credit Card Reward 2021

I received my Citi credit card reward certificate via email. I received it via email because I signed up for paperless statements. Some of you may receive the certificates in paper form via USPS mail.

They distribute Citi reward certificates after your February statements are closed. You should receive yours by March.

I also found the certificate on the Citi Credit Card mobile APP.

My reward certificate amount for this year is considerably less than usual because:

  1. I spent less money last year – I gave away over $10,000.00 last year because of the pandemic. People around me were running out of money.
  2. I’ve been using Fidelity Reward Visa Card along with Costco Citi Visa. If you have Fidelity for your retirement, check out their reward credit card. It’s pretty good.

If you have issues or questions regarding Costco Citi Credit Card Reward Certificate, please visit your Citi credit card web account.

Redeeming is easy! Simply print or present this email at any U.S. Costco warehouse, including Puerto Rico, on or before December 31, 2021, to redeem your certificate for merchandise or cash. You can also present your certificate via the Citi Mobile® App.

For details about your credit card reward certificate, go to your Rewards Details page in the Citi Mobile App, Citi® Online, or call us at 1-877-419-4002 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-210-0617 for hearing and speech impaired services only).

Costco Citi Credit Card Reward Certificate 2021
Costco Citi Credit Card Reward Certificate - mobile APP 2021
Citi APP
Costco Citi Credit Card Reward Certificate 2020
Costco Citi Visa Reward Certificate 2019
Costco Citi Credit Card Reward Certificate 2019
Costco Citi Credit Card Reward Certificate 2018

Redemption Terms and Conditions

  • For full details see the Costco Cash Rewards Program Terms.
  • Annual credit card reward certificate is redeemable through December of the year issued in a single transaction at any U.S. Costco warehouse, including Puerto Rico, for merchandise or cash.
  • Request for cash may be fulfilled in an alternative form (e.g a check or electronic transfer), at Costco’s discretion.
  • Only the primary cardmember is eligible to receive the annual credit card reward certificate; however, you or anyone you authorize may redeem the certificate as long as you or the authorized individual has a valid Costco membership.
  • Should you choose to redeem only a portion of the credit card reward certificate for merchandise, you will receive the remaining balance in cash or alternative form (e.g. check or electronic transfer), at Costco’s discretion.
  • You must have a valid Costco membership at the time of redemption.
Costco Hot Dog During The Pandemic

I am listening: Jane Morgan – Fascination (1957)
She’s still alive (96 yrs old). Got her Walk of Fame Star in 2011 (vid)

Thank you for the hot dog donation.

First, at the Costco food court, customers are not allowed to access the drinks & condiments stations. Instead, a Costco employee was there to hand out the condiments. She handed me containers of catchup and mustard. I asked if there were onion and relish. She said no. Straws were not available as well. But now we have lids with narrow openings, kind of like a baby sippy cup, that we can drink soda without a straw. The new lid worked out pretty well. It’s a brilliant idea to adapt to the new Covid world.

All orders were to-go only. They took away all the tables from the food court. So, you either eat in the car or take the food home.

I’ve been craving Costco hot dogs for a long time. So, today I bought a pack of Costco Dinner Franks and the buns. Now I can enjoy Costco hotdog at home. I made two hot dogs so far. They were excellent. I think it’s a little odd that a pack of Costco Dinner Franks contains 14 wieners when most buns come in 12.

Lastly: The Costco food court now requires a membership card to make a purchase. I also noticed that my food court receipt now shows my membership number. Some warehouses have food courts located outdoor by the parking lot that non-members could purchase food without the membership. Now non-members cannot enjoy Costco food court anymore. I have mixed feelings about this. A lot of poor people used Costco food court without the membership. Yes, the food court is for the members only. But they are poor people. I know how it feels. It makes me want to cry.

Costco hot dog receipt – February 4, 2021
Membership number placed above
Costco hot dog receipt – March 10, 2020
No membership number


I am still here, just busy

Hi, I am well and doing good. I’ve been busy last 10 days. One thing after another… with some boring stuff.

My computer was dying, so I had to rebuild one fast. I’ve been building computers since the 90s. I built my current computer 9 years ago. I usually run my computer 24 hours a day, and this machine didn’t let me down. It was with me every day from a government-subsidized apartment to a three-bedroom house. It broke down a few times, but I found quick fixes to keep it running. You can see a wire holding a fan (picture).

Computer I built in 2012

Officially killing my computer was bittersweet. There was a weird connection between me and my computer. As I opened the computer, I could feel the joy and happiness of the time I was building this machine. I was poor, but I was happier. Everything was more exciting and more fun 9 years ago. I had to watch every penny, but DANG, it was so much fun.

Building a computer is a straightforward process. High school kids build computers for fun. But there is a possibility of something going wrong. I was lucky this time. My new computer was up and running in 4 hours. I like this computer. It’s very good and fast. I look forward to getting older with this computer.

I kept the case, so the computer looks the same from the outside.

Now I need to catch up on some Costco blogs. I will regroup and get back to you soon. Please take care.

New computer ready to go inside the case – Feb 2021
Costco Shopping – February 4, 2021

4th Costco Shopping in 2021 – $210.74 today / $492.76 this year

Members-only savings saved $62.30

I went to Costco at 6:30 PM when it was dark and getting late. There was no line to get in. It was a pleasant shopping experience. I almost forgot we are in the pandemic. I had a long shopping list. I took my time and shopped for over an hour.

I picked up 2 bags of frozen salmon. I always buy them when they are on sale. I saved $10.00 right there. These fishes are “guaranteed good meal”.

Wings, chips, salsa, and pizza were all for Super Bowl Sunday.

Costco Shopping February 2021

Cat litters are Valentines Day gift for my friend’s cats.

When I was picking up 2 rotisserie chickens, one lady far away yelled, “Would you like a bag?”. “Are you talking to me?” I yelled back. Then I realized that there were no plastic bags around me. “Oh, thank you, thank you. You make my day,” I said. She saw me and noticed I didn’t have bags close by. It confused me a little. Is she always that nice to people? Or did she want to get to know me more? I can never figure these things out. That’s why I live alone. Anyway, she told me to be safe, and we exchanged blessings.

After shopping, I ate a hot dog for the first time in 11 months. Thank you for the hot dog donation. Yum.

It was a pleasant shopping experience. It reminded me of the old-time when Costco shopping was joyous.

Costco Shopping – February 4, 2021

3rd Costco Shopping in 2021 – $52.54 today / $282.02 this year

I ordered some Valentine’s Day flowers.

There is no effort here. I feel bad that I am sending somebody flowers in this manner. I remember Valentine’s Day 10 years ago when I was poor. I only spent $15 for Valentine’s Day. For that Valentine’s Gift, I went to three different stores and wrote a card. It was exciting and fun.

Now, I don’t put any effort. I know the person who receives the flowers will be super excited. The flowers look beautiful. And they are high quality – Costco approved. I’m glad I have more money now to give better flowers. But it’s so easy to send flowers now. Just order from the Costco website.

Is it good? Or bad?

Costco Shopping – February 1, 2021

2nd Costco Shopping in 2021 – $122.24 today / $229.48 this year

I ordered a Samsung Galaxy 8″ Tab A from Costco website.

I have a 9-year-old iPad that’s becoming obsolete. I did a quick price check and Costco had the best price on an 8″ Galaxy A.

Samsung Galaxy Tabs (

I have a desktop computer, a notebook computer, and a smartphone. Having all those, I still feel the need for a tablet. Tablet often comes in handy, for example, when I’m in the kitchen. Also, when I watch TV, I often check the web for more information.

Apple products are too expensive for me. So, I promised myself that I wouldn’t buy any Apple product until my retirement is taken care of (minimum $2.5 Million in savings). So, I may never buy another Apple product. There is nothing wrong if you buy and enjoy Apple products. We have different financial priorities. That’s all. I spend more money on Italian leather than most people spend on iPhones and iPad.

Costco Coupons, Member-Only Savings, February 2021

Costco Member-Only Savings, February 3, 2021 – February 28, 2021.

Open Costco coupon book from below gallery or view from Costco website available during the sales period (February 3, 2021 – February 28, 2021).

I plan to go to Costco next week. I have a decent size Costco shopping list. I also have a pack of 32 degrees shirts to return (I bought too many).

Galaxy Tab A7 will be on sale for $60.00 off. That will make these tabs the best price anywhere. They also come with 64GB memory cards – so it’s even better. I used to think Costco couldn’t compete on computer products. But I’ve been seeing some great prices lately.