Hi, I am John. Thank you for visiting.
- I created this website in 2008 – and I never stopped blogging.
- The goal of my blog is to kill time and share the love. You cannot do this for 16 years without love.
- Costco is one of my favorite topics, so I talk about Costco often.
- I represent single people living alone. I represent normal folks enjoying boring everyday life. Boring is good. Boring is the best.
- I have no interest in following celebrities online. However, I would like to experience how normal folks live their everyday lives, such as drinking tea in the kitchen in England, riding a train in Chicago, doing farm work, etc. I have a great interest in normal folks living beautiful everyday lives. That’s what I try to give you on my blog.
- I was poor all my life until 2012.
- Some of my visitors remember when I used to be poor and happy. I have so many pleasant memories from the time I was poor. Being poor was not bad. Back then, going to Costco every Friday was such a joy.
- I am financially better now, but not wealthy. I became a homeowner in 2012 and moved out of the government-subsidized apartment.
- I am worried that my pictures will trick you to think that I’m rich, or you may think I am arrogant. But they are only pictures. Don’t let pictures fool you.
- I want you to know that my root is humble. I am still not comfortable talking about my improved financial situation. But I am the same guy from 10 years ago.
- I live in Southern California.
- I am a single, straight male. I live alone.

- I am not young. One of my team members at work is 29 years younger than me.
- When I was younger and weighed around 140 lb, I could bench press 225 lb (AKA: Two plates). I have a decent knowledge and experience in fitness and weight control.
- I worked for UPS for 2 years (a long time ago). I was a sorter. I used to remember hundreds of zip codes. I had to sort 1025 packages an hour.
- I enjoy going to garage sales.
- Photography and computer are the specialties that I perform at the professional level. They are also my hobby. I also have an accounting background.
- My third hobby is the guitar, but I cannot play a single song from start to end. But I enjoy practicing.
- I have an AS degree in photography. I photographed hundreds of weddings and events. I have met some celebrities as well. Once my picture was in Billboard Magazine.
- I’ve been using a cheap point-and-shoot camera for this blog for over 10 years. Then my cheap camera broke In September 2021. Now I use an expensive camera.
- I also have a BS degree in Computer. Currently, I work for a large company as a web developer.
- And finally: If you have Airbnb and have some free time to spend with me, please contact me from here. I would like to experience how people live ordinary everyday life. I can help you with chores such as moving furniture, cleaning the rain gutter, feeding animals, harvesting crops, taking your family pictures, helping you with computers, helping you with basic web design skills, serving customers, walking dogs, going to Costco…
I’m just a normal guy who makes a fair amount of mistakes. Please don’t take things personally. Correct me when I make mistakes.
God bless everyone.