I want a Costco near me!!! Someone please help!

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    • #1773

      Hi, I was writing a paper on the organizational culture of Costco and found this site. I noticed a link to request a Costco to be put in Knoxville and was wondering a few things. Has this helped at all? Does Knoxville have one yet? How can I get in on this and get a Costco petition for Norman, Oklahoma? I moved here from Maryland (where I had multiple locations to go to get my Costco fix) and found the nearest Costco is a little over three hours away in Texas. I have made the journey already, but only for specific items that I could not get anywhere else. I love Costco and am extremely jealous of places that have two, three or more Costcos within fifty miles of each other. Norman is a growing town and NEEDS a Costco. I have already sent two e-mails to Costco’s development department, but have only received a thank you for your interest note for a reply. Please help! I am craving a chicken bake in a bad way!!! Thanks, LC

    • #1900


      Knoxville Costco petition became a news because it was a new concept.  The website is only about three months old.  There are 3913 signatures in the website as of now.

      The unconfirmed news (Blogs, rumors) says that Costco is indeed planning to move in to Knoxville.  If the rumor is true, it will be a year or two until the grand opening. 

      One interesting reading (among many) is this one

      I am pretty sure that Costco spends millions of dollars strategically planning where to open next store.  There is a chance that Knoxville Petition didn’t contribute much on decision making.  But anything helps.  Also this unites fellow Costco shoppers.

      For Norman, Oklahoma, one must work very hard to get the ball rolling so your voice will be heard.  If you start the movement, I will do all I can to promote my visitors to support your cause.

      Sorry about not having Costco in your area.  I feel the pain.

    • #1901


      Thanks for the reply. As I mentioned in my first post, I have sent Costco a couple of e-mails already but so far, no luck. I guess I will have to figure out how to start a website (I am a computer moron) and start getting those signatures. Even though I am sure it will not be the deciding factor for Costco, I am guessing it cannot hurt.

      Even if we don’t get one here, I will have some names of people who are addicted to Costco and we can all have monthly meetings and eat those chicken bakes that we take turns traveling for! haha

      Thanks for the offer to help. It is appreciated! Unfortunately, though, since I have no idea how to build a website, I doubt I will be able to get it going. Looks like I just need to fill up the truck and head south to Texas for my fix…


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