Costco Coupons on Ebay – A lot of them

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    • #1767

      Have you visited Ebay and searched for “Costco Coupons”? (here)

      There are hundreds of Costco Coupons on auction.

      I think it’s wrong to sell Costco Coupons on Ebay.  I mean, isn’t that illegal? (I guess not)  Anyway, it’s a sneaky way to make money.  Also, I bet there are some people making a lot of money selling Costco Coupons this way. I bet there are a lot of Costco employees selling coupons in person and/or online.

      Here’s a tip.

      If you see a good Costco coupon on Ebay auction and you don’t have that coupon?  Go to Costco and see if they have a coupon.  If they are out of Costco Coupons, then ask them if they can give you the coupon discount (that you never received Costco coupon on this round)

      Sometimes I go to Costco and realize that some people have coupons in their hands.  I always go to the customer service desk and ask for coupons.  Sometimes they have some left.  sometimes they are out of Costco Coupons.

      Try not to buy Costco coupons from Ebay when they can be available to you at Costco service desk.  I just don’t feel selling coupons is right.  I can’t believe Ebay is allowing people to do this.

      But, at the same time, I guess I would pay $20.00 for a coupon that will save me $100.00 on a big screen TV.  Supply and demand, I guess.

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