Costco Tote Bag, shopping bag


Costco tote bags are must-have items. If you don’t own them, you are missing out.

They sell three bags for less than $5.00. It’s roughly $1.50/bag. (April 2008)

At first, I thought Costco’s tote bags were supposed to be free for the members. But if you think about it, $1.50 for a bag is a good price.

Costco Tote Back, shopping
Costco Tote-Bag. Simple design with hand straps and shoulder straps

Look at the above picture. Those three bags contain the following items (carrots (10lb), potato (10lb), large watermelon, lemon (5lb), beef jerky (x2), cereal, bread (x2), shampoo, vitamins (x2), yogurt (18pk), tuna (16pk)

With Costco tote bags, a fit person can carry all those items in one trip (I did). Try doing this with any other shopping bags or boxes from Costco. It’s impossible to carry all that with conventional methods. It’s worth investing a few dollars in these bags. If you live in an apartment, this is a must.

I bring these bags to Costco when I shop, so the cashiers would put items in the bag.

Show this bag to your family and friends, I guarantee they would like to have some too. I’ve already given some out. I had to buy some more.

Why I like Costco tote bags.

  • Convenient 
  • Save time
  • Save the environment
  • You don’t have to take boxes from Costco (more trash).
  • They can carry items from different stores. Most stores have small bags. You often need big bags like these.
