Costco American Express Cash Back Reward
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Costco and American Express are breaking up. My American Express card will no longer work at Costco next year. I will no longer receive a cashback reward check. Without a Costco cash-back reward, I have no reason to continue using the American Express card.

Anyway, here’s my cash back reward certificate of $262.03

I am crossing my fingers for good news on the AmEx alternative for Costco members.

Costco Executive Membership Reward Check
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Costco’s executive members receive 2% on most Costco purchases.

I received $55.48, so it paid for my executive membership plus 48 Cents.

Costco Executive Membership Reward
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I received my annual Costco 2% executive membership reward check, amount of $96.36. Costco’s executive membership is $110/yr. So, I pay $55/yr more than a regular membership.

With a $96.36 check, my executive membership pays for itself and it pays $46.36 extra. That’s not all. I have Costco/American Express membership. I will receive about $160.00 cashback from AmericanExpress as well.

And I live alone, AND I don’t shop a lot. If you have a big family, then your check must be huge.

This means I spent at least $4818.00 in Costco last year. That seems a lot.

Costco Executive Member Reward Check