Created: July 14, 2017
Update December 2021: I quit cable TV since my original blog in 2017. Now I have a new setting to enjoy Christmas music. I tune my TV to Pluto’s Christmas channel (free). The TV is on mute, and I play my own Christmas music through the home theatre system. This is the best setup so far.
Update November 12, 2020: Comcast now has a Classic Christmas channel via digital Music Choice channels. All the classic tunes and pretty pictures. Read more about it below – comment #14789. Thank you for posting!
### original post below ###
I love Christmas.
Music is very important for us Christmas lovers. Along with decorations and the smell of pumpkin spice, music is the element that will hold Christmas together. I like classic Christmas tunes that make me feel happy and sentimental. Classic Christmas music takes me back in time. I own 70+ Christmas CDs. I bought my first Christmas CD from BMG CD Club 20-30 years ago. Remember BMG? Columbia House? I used to buy records from them. Good times.
Every Christmas season I tune my cable TV channel to Sound of the Seasons, a part of the Music Choice channel line-up. They play commercial-free Christmas tunes. I enjoyed that channel every year. Then something happened.
They started to play Christmas songs by young artists such as Brittany Spears, One Direction, In Sync… Then last year, they rarely played classic tunes, but most of the songs they played were teeny-bopper, hip hop Christmas tunes, some songs with deep heavy bass – as if I’m at Run DMC concert.
So, I stopped listening to that God-awful channel.
Look at this abomination. Britney Spears is a beautiful and talented young lady. But that’s not Christmas.

To sum up – Christmas music should sound like Christmas. Christmas music should NOT make me feel like I’m in the middle of a breakdance battle. Don’t drop the bass on the yule log.