Costco American Express Cash Back Reward
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Costco and American Express are breaking up. My American Express card will no longer work at Costco next year. I will no longer receive a cashback reward check. Without a Costco cash-back reward, I have no reason to continue using the American Express card.

Anyway, here’s my cash back reward certificate of $262.03

I am crossing my fingers for good news on the AmEx alternative for Costco members.

Costco Executive Membership Reward Check
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Costco’s executive members receive 2% on most Costco purchases.

I received $55.48, so it paid for my executive membership plus 48 Cents.

Costco Shopping – January 20, 2015
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That garden watering kit seemed pricy ($21.49). But I wanted to treat myself with some fancy gardening tool. I water my plants every day. So, $21, 49 is a small price for convenience and fun I may have.

Spring is coming. I planted 1 lemon tree in the front yard.

Posted in Costco Blog Comments Off on Costco Shopping – January 20, 2015
Costco Kitchen Faucet – WaterRidge
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I replaced the kitchen faucet.

After Costco shopping yesterday, I had a phone conversation with a friend. I told her I bought a nice kitchen faucet at Costco. And, get this, she asked me how much it would cost me to install it. I was a little offended. She completely dismissed my mechanical common sense. I am not clueless. I build my computers from scratch. So, I told her that there should be no problem for me to install the faucet. I have never replaced a kitchen faucet before, but how hard can it be?

So, today, I installed the kitchen faucet.


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Costco Shopping – January 16, 2015
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I’ve been checking out this kitchen faucet for a while. Kitchen faucets have a wide range of prices. At Home Depot, I saw kitchen faucets ranging from $40 to $200+. I bought this faucet with blind faith. This has to be a good deal. It looks pretty good. The difficult part is that I have to install it. This WaterRidge faucet was $78.99.

I like the Kashi granola bar. It’s tasty. I bought 2 more boxes. Everyone should keep granola bars at work. I often get hungry at work. I didn’t research, but my guess is that granola bars are better than Sneaker bars. 

Six Calla lily bulbs were $11.99. This is a great price. Costco will have flower bulbs that will perform in your climate (zone). And they will be available for you at the right time to plant them. This is a great benefit of shopping at Costco. It takes away the guessing game.

A glass pot of live tulips is for my mother.

Posted in Costco Blog Comments Off on Costco Shopping – January 16, 2015
Costco Shopping – January 5, 2015
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I found these LED lights. I have two sets of fluorescent lights in my garage. So, I’m going to replace one as a test. If this works out well, I shall buy one more set. I’ll have to motivate myself to install this one first.

Kashi granola bars were $3.30 off ($9.49 after discount). One box contains 35 bars, so each bar is about 27 Cents. You need these if you are an office worker. Keep them in your cubicle.

Posted in Costco Blog Comments Off on Costco Shopping – January 5, 2015