Costco Member-Only Savings, June 24 – July 26, 2020
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Costco Member-only Savings June 24 – July 26, 2020

View Member Only Savings at Costco website.

It looks like this month’s coupon book has something for everyone. I shall make time for Costco shopping. I also miss rotisserie chicken.

Featherweight 3i Hair Dryer is back on sale for $74.99. Last three months I’ve been using this hair dryer instead of my usual, $200 professional hairdryer. I still have my professional hairdryer. But they both perform almost the same that I continue to use Featherweight 3i.

Costco Shopping – May 14, 2020
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18th Costco Shopping in 2020 – $257.03 today / $1,110.83 this year

I am doing OK physically and financially.

I bought crazy amount of comfort food. Maybe this is how eating disorder feels like. I am depressed, and I want to eat a lot of sweets, salty chips, and cured meats.

Because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Costco shopping is no longer fun and relaxing. For today’s Costco shopping, I had to take a half-day off from work.

It’s been 50 days since my last Costco shopping. It’s depressing to get ready, go to Costco, put on the mask, and wait in line. And there is a legitimate possibility that I can contract the virus and die. It’s scary and depressing.

I arrived at Costco at 9:30 AM. The warehouse opened at 10 am for the public. However, customers 60 years or older were allowed in at 9 AM. The line wasn’t too long at 9:30 AM. People who arrived at 10 AM had a long line to deal with. I was inside Costco at 10:12 AM.

There were plenty of toilet papers and meat items today. I always buy toilet paper and meats at sales price. But today I paid full price on toilet paper, New York steak, stew meat, and more. I will not wait for the sale. I will not go to another store to save some money. I will gladly pay full price and mitigate this craziness. I also picked up a lot of comfort food and snacks.

The Afredo sauce looked promising. I can’t wait to try it.

I had a huge craving for a Costco hotdog, so I bought Kirkland Signature hot dog franks. Those are the real deal Costco hot dog franks.

I came home 3 hours later and vacuum pack most of the meat items, including hot dogs and buns. I was completely exhausted that I had to take a nap.

T3 Micro – Featherweight 3i Hair Dryer
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I’ve been using this hair dryer for three days so far. It performs almost as same as my favorite hair dryer that I paid $250.00 a few years ago.

Costco’s everyday price of $99.99 on Featherweight 3i is pretty good. But, now, it’s on sale for $79.99. The sale ends in two weeks on May 17, 2020. It’s OK if you missed the sale. I think $100 is still a good price. Styling iron is also on sale.

I am currently comparing this hair dryer with my $200 professional unit. 3i is lacking some professional touch, but its overall performance is right there with my $200 hairdryer. So, if you want a good hairdryer but $200 is outside of your budget, 3i may be for you.

Just like any other hair dryers, you’ll have to purchase a diffuser separately.

Costco Executive Membership Reward Certificate, 2020
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Costco’s executive members receive a 2% reward certificate about 3 months before we renew our membership. I didn’t receive my reward gift Certificate this year. There was a possibility that I received the certificate, but I threw it out carelessly. On my last Costco shopping, I talked to customer service. They confirmed they mailed the certificate out over a month ago. So, I requested another one. The process was quick and painless.

I finally received my certificate in the amount of $56.88. I need to get paid $60 in order for my executive membership to pay for itself. $56.88 is pretty close, but I am not enjoying any perks for being an executive member.

In the past, executive members were allowed into the warehouse one hour before the regular business hours. I could enjoy that perk – now that we are dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

I think I should downgrade my membership. I will shop even less this year because of the pandemic of 2020.

Costco executive member 2% rebate check for 2019 purchases
(received April 2020)
Costco executive member reward rebate check
Costco executive member 2% rebate check for 2018 purchases
(received January 2019)
Costco executive member 2% rebate check for 2017 purchases
(received January 2018)
Costco executive member 2% rebate check for 2013 purchases.
(received January 2014)
Costco Shopping – March 25, 2020
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16th Costco Shopping in 2020 – $29.37 today / $811.81 this year

I was depressed and physically exhausted from dealing with my disaster. I had to get away and relax my soul. So, I went to Costco. There, I saw the same Costco employees working there – some with masks, some without. God bless them.

I went to Costco around 1:10 PM. I stood in line, but the line was short. I only waited about 15 minutes. Toilet paper was out of stock. But I saw some shoppers walking out with toilet papers. This meant toilet papers were in stock about an hour ago. Also, inside the warehouse looked more stocked (fuller). I saw fewer empty shelf spaces. I took that as a positive sign.

I had such a big craving for chocolate cake. I wanted a cake so sweet that it will hurt my gum. I have a craving maybe because I feel sad and demoralized. Maybe my body needs chocolate. Luckily, I found this flat layer of Chocolate cake. The cakes are smaller because people don’t have parties anymore.

Seeing Costco like this felt like meeting a sick family member. But things are getting better.

I am doing good physically and financially. Please take care. I will talk to you soon.

Warehouse looked fuller than 2 weeks ago. Supply is strong.
Costco Shopping – March 16, 2020
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15th Costco Shopping in 2020 – $39.31 today / $782.44 this year
Member Only Savings – $5.2 today / $149.7 this year

There were no eggs, no toilet papers, and no SPAMs. It was depressing and confusing. But today I took my time and tried to enjoy my Costco shopping experience. And it made me feel better. I felt much relaxed this time. Today was not as crazy as last Friday.

Costco Panic Buy 2020
No eggs, no chickens. Costco Panic Buy 2020

Member-only savings saved $5.20 today. I found almost everything on my Costco shopping list. I wanted some chicken for chicken soup. But Costco was completely out of chicken. Luckily, they had rotisserie chickens. I shall make chicken soup with rotisserie chicken. RANA Lobster Ravioli was on sale ($4 off). I never had this before, but I have a high hope. They looked pretty good.

Greenridge Farm’s beef snack sticks are… just OK. They don’t have a personality. They are 13 Inches long – big, with not much flavor.

Making Chicken stock with Costco Rotisserie Chicken. Boil bones for 90 minutes at a simmering boil. Boil, but not too hot.

Costco Panic Buy 2020 Update
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As of Friday, March 13, 2020 – There were no toilet papers, no paper towels, no eggs, and no SPAMs at my Costco.

I think Costco ran out of toilet paper in early March. Paper towels are gone as well. All kinds of canned food, such as SPAMs are were no more. Costco is looking emptier every time.

I believe I will see toilet papers at Costco soon, along with my SPAM.

God bless all of us. We will get through this. No problem.

March 13, 2020